Monday, January 21, 2013

Skiing in -20F wind chills

Had gone to lutsen over the long weekend for skiing.It was a list of first's for me 1)Windiest i have ever skied in,it was so windy it pushed me back on a black diamond and i had to use all of my body weight to crawl forward on black diamond.yikes. 2)Coldest I have ever skied in,it was -3 F ambient temperature with a feels like around -20F. 3)First time in my skiing career that my hands and feet both became numb and I had to abort my skiing to warm them up.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ice skating in 5 F with a feels like -8 F with an entire lake for yourself was an exhilarating experience. Zipping along on the ice with the cold wild beating down on my face and tips of my cheeks and nose twitching because of the cold made me feel so alive.I stood in the middle of the frozen lake and gave out a whoop with no soul to hear it but me and the elements. An amazing night.