Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I couldn't bring myself to write this note last week. On April 14th it was one year since Mohan died. I remember crying myself out that day last year.Santosh had come to me and had said 'Be strong'. I had said 'Bullshit!! - he is dead,nothing will change that'. I don't know why i replied that, but for some reason I was really very angry with the rules of life and could not come to terms with it.

Like Appu once said 'Death is a great leveller in life',it changes perspectives drastically.True.

I sometimes think of all the long philosophical conversations we used to have,his dreams, his plans and force a desolate smirk. Fate played its final card.

The mere mortals,that we are,injected with all sort of emotions,ideas,ideals,thoughts are left behind to conjure up different connotations and evoke an emotion and dwell in that.

Miss you,My friend!

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