Saturday, May 16, 2015

What card are you dealt with?

Yesterday was another usual day at office. Had a couple of drinks post office with a few friends, took my usual bus route 17 at Nicolett and remembered that I had to get some stuff from Kowalkski's(grocery store) on the way back.So promptly got off at my stop and headed towards Kowalski's. I have to cross the Kowalski's parking lot to get into the store and I saw this car pulling in and inside it was a very pretty girl with a tiara of flowers on her head sitting in the non driver seat. She may have been in her 20's. I was immediately attracted to her,but she had a kind of sad face which kinda made me twinge a little. I stared at her a bit longer and I saw the driver,an older woman get out of the car but this girl made no immediate attempt to get out.Well there are lot of pretty girls in this world and here was one more and I moved on into the store. My work inside the store took me less than 10 mins, I came out then I saw this girl still sitting inside the car and she opened the door,I slowed down my pace to get one more appreciative look at this flowery tiara girl before she is totally erased from my short term memory. The girl seemed to be struggling to get out,then i saw a pair of crutches come out of the car first, I thought, oh! she may have broken a leg or something,poor thing! But then only one leg came out and she stood and closed the door and I saw that she had no other leg,it stopped near the thigh. The pang of emotions I felt at that moment of realization was like a jolt of shock. Somebody froze the frame and changed the entire perspective, from a lusty appreciative emotion, it turned to a whole myriad of other emotions - surprise,dismay,shock,melancholy. Her eyes met mine for a few seconds, she had that look of 'what is he thinking about me','is he pitying me?'. I gave her a quick sad smile,which she immediately understood and returned a 'I know' smile. I walked on,I kept thinking in my head - 'What card are you dealt with?'.

1 comment:

Vinatha Rao said...

Oh Mayur... Life is very cruel, very unfair many a time!

I can clearly picture that genuine smile you gave her... Yours smile is one of the most affectionate ones I have received. :)