Saturday, June 13, 2009

Out of Office note from one of my clients.Had me in splits.

I will be out of the office Friday through Monday returning on Tuesday.

My wife is having a family reunion this weekend - - - at a trailer park in Las Vegas. They do this reunion thing every year somewhere in the states or in Canada.

I always have to bite my tongue at these affairs because the family claims through descendancy to be related to all of the following:

George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
The Roosevelts (both Teddie and Franklin)
Ronald Reagan
The George Bushs'
Lady Diana Spencer
All of the rich Spencers in England
William of Orange - the King of Holland as well as the current royal family of the Netherlands

They have these big massive descendancy charts to prove all of the above. Now I am no genius, but I took a bunch of statistics in college and learned about "curve fitting" where you can prove just about anything if you can manipulate and lie enough with statistics.

I find it rather ironic that there are no thieves and murderers in the charts. But I find it especially ironic that they have all of this blue blood running through their veins and yet they are holding the reunion in a trailer park !!!! Other years the reunions were held in cattle barns, saloons, and back rooms of pancake houses.

A few years ago, their super gigantic international reunion was at a bowling alley in Fargo!!! At the time, I casually and innocently and humbly inquired for some enlightenment as to why, with all of this blue blood, they were holding an international family reunion in a bowling alley in Fargo (The stench from cheap beer was awful) and not in some European palace or at least at George Washington's house. Also, why none of the Spencers and no European Royalty seemed to be present at the bowling alley? Were they all at the bar? Stuck in Fargo traffic?

However, they didn't take too kindly to that interrogation and after having cheap beer poured all over my head I have since restrained myself from ever raising the subject again.

I will be home all morning on Friday.

Have a great weekend.


Raj Jain said...

Good one :-)


roadtriplife said...

hahahaha ... that's a nice one ... i wonder how the 'retreat' this time was ;-)

Anupama said...

wow! I'd love to meet this 'true blue' family !!!