Monday, October 27, 2008

Nothng else matters ...

Well, I have another dream come true and like someone in the crowd described ,it was an absolute 'Kickass' show. What made it all the more special was we were just 5 feet from the stage,right up in the front, I never ever imagined that i would be in a 'metallica' show and right up in the front. They ripped most of their famous songs for nearly 2.5 hours, I went totally berserk when they played 'For whom the bell tolls' - that is one of my most favourite songs and have heard it like hundreds of times since my college days,to think i would see them perform it live in front of me just 5 feet away from me was a mind blowing feeling. I was screaming like crazy 'Take a look to the sky before you die..its the last time you will ...' ..
Oh man!! I used to enact this song so much in my bedroom at high volume and stringing a dummy guitar and imagining a huge crowd in front of me and used to think how must james hetfield be feeling when he sings this song and now i KNOW!!!!

It was very much like i had imagined it in all my years! It was too much of an adrenaline rush to me and i felt exhausted completely at the end of the show,screaming and jumping and headbanging. All the pyrotechniques,the lazer lights,the stage lighting was mindblowing. You could feel their sweat up close. For some reason i am a big fan of james hetfield(lead singer),and he has amazing energy to keep it going for 2.5 hours straight,i even got to pat him on his back(lol!! talk about fan adulation..i get to touch him and it feels great,ha ha ha).

Anyways,it was an absolute dream come true for me and never expected it to be so good. I am just lucky to be living out this teen fantasy of mine up so close i guess.

I drove all the way to neighbouring state Des moines ,Iowa for this and came back to minneapolis driving back overnight after the show! Lol!


roadtriplife said...

kewl maga hifi -- good 4 u

Anupama said...

:) I have a feeling that I'll feel exactly the same way when I meet you at the airport when you come back!

I'm soooooooo happy for you!!!!

Madhu B G said...

Lucky ass!!!!.......... Who all went?

abc said...

lucky feeliing "J" :(...who all went?