Saturday, September 13, 2008

Viva La Vida

This is my latest favourite album. I heard coldplay for the first time way back in 2005,I still remember the way i got introduced to them.I had just about joined Infosys then and i had come to work on a saturday and my current project manager Mahesh who was my technical lead then had also come.He offered to drop me home and though i was a bit skeptical to take the ride back i agreed. He had this album CD - Now #(some number) ,a compilation of English songs. The song 'In my Place' started playing when we reached Bommanahalli and the minute i heard it I fell in love with the song. I asked Mahesh what was the song name and which was the band,he muttered he was not sure but he was kind enough to dig the CD cover and pass it on to me and I figured it was a band called coldplay and the song was 'In my place'. I reached home and immediately downloaded this song.Boy! I used to listen to this one song so many times,then eventually my interest in the band grew and started exploring their other songs and i got hooked to their 'Parachutes' album. Santu just didn't like them!! But yeah,thats how i got hooked to this band. 'In my place' is still one of my all time fav songs and stands prominently in my favs playlist on my ipod.

I think their Viva La Vida album is smashing! Strawberry Swing,42 and Viva La Vida are my fav tracks in the album.Among all the different kinds of music i listen i think they have a very creative,distinct and catchy style.Catch them if you can!
Of course - Music appreciation is relative. (wink)

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