Monday, December 22, 2008

Fast and furious!

Minneapolis is known for its incredibly notorious weather in winter.Driving is treacherous. Daily we see atleast couple of accidents. When it snows its difficult to drive,but when the sun comes out a bit and melts a bit of snow and the temperature again goes down - a thin layer of ice is formed on the road and this becomes devastating. When vehicles go on it there is absolutely no grip. There is a very thin margin of error to recover from any driving mistakes.

Today as usual Mahesh picked us to office.Just 100 meters from the house there is a sweeping curve which joins the main road. I was in the front with him and remarked 'Today,the road is really bad'. Mahesh replied 'Yeah,if i speed up in the curve ahead a wee bit we will skid'. Even before he finished the sentence we hit the curve and imagine what - the car lost grip and did a swooping turn and did almost 270 degrees and almost hit the kerb on the opposite side of the road. Fortunately there was no vehicle coming from the opposite end. I was shouting 'woah,woah,woah!' all the time till the car came to a halt! Lol! Though it was scary at that moment,it seemed fun later on when we were all safe and found the car was not damaged in any way! So finally I got to experience this too! Lol!

1 comment:

roadtriplife said...

woweeee that's lucky and fun ;-)