Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The beatles!

I got first introduced to them through my mother.Her favourite song is 'hey jude' and she used to hum this song quite frequently while cooking or cleaning the house or washing the vessels.Since a small kid i used to hear her hum this song though i never knew whose it was ,but i always used to love her hum this and even now very rarely when she hums this i absolutely love it and join her in the humming.And much later when i was probably around 10-11 she played this song to me when we had gone to my grandfather's place on the old LP gramaphone record from which she always used to listen when she was in college.I am feeling so nostalgic.That was my first introduction officially to the 'BEATLES'.Since then I have grown listening to them and absolutely love their songs.The music has changed so much in the recent times with all metal,techno sounds and electronic synthesizers,but still though i listen to these new age music those old 60,70s songs from this band still brings a joy and when i listen to them makes me feel very nostalgic.From a music history perspective i think they created a revolution in the music world and have a cult following.

I got a big collage poster of theirs when i had gone to San francisco which hangs in my bedroom.I couldn't find that poster on the net to actually put an image of it on the blog,seems pretty rare this one.

It so funny that many of mother's favourite songs are mine too - be it Hindi,English or Kannada- probably she helped me develop a taste for music by putting in that seed of thought,imagination and appreciation in my head or else i love her so much that i love what she loves.

Obladi, oblada
Life goes on, bra
La la how the life goes on ...

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