Sunday, March 16, 2008

I just got better!

Well after my last weekend skiing debacle and my body returning back to normalcy fantastically over the week,i was all set for another weekend of skiing on an already closing out season.Darn, I hate Mark for introducing me to skiing so late in the season,otherwise i could have made use of the entire winter season completely.This was a common complaint among our skiing gang(you don't get your ass up the couch and later on blame it on someone else for turning up late :) )
Anyways as usual the gang set out and after some snow analysis(because its already in the mid 30's F now) we decided we would take the plunge.

Every first time I get into a ski i dont feel confident,I just wonder whether I did those black diamonds last weekend. I invariably do the bunny hill,then progressively go up the difficulty level. I have been trying to refine the parallel skiing process,saw couple of videos,took some tips from Mark.Now the problem with skiing is ,its like learning a cycle or swimming - how much ever anyone explains you dont get it until you get that feel of balance yourself.Ice skating is very similar.

Well i kept trying and trying and was not happy still and then suddenly i decided to get a bit more adventourous and try something new and shift my body balance more and tilt my knees,feet,skis more - I said to myself 'To heck,If i fall - I fall,so what!' .The results were dramatic, the very opposite of what i thought happened,i was faster,had more balance and was making sharper and smoother turns ,though i eventually fell,but I was happy with my discovery of the new founded balance.So i tried couple of times and fell couple of times trying to get it and my body just adjusted to the new balance and wow do i feel great to ski this way,i am faster, i can turn at whatever angle i want and i can just about stop anywhere on the slope,the balance of the body feels really good,though i couldn't muster up the courage to try this new technique on the black diamonds(fear of falling,and falling real bad,i had this experience real fresh from last weekend),but it worked fantastically well on the easy and intermediate slopes.But i still have to perfect this process.

All the tips from those videos and Mark make perfect sense now, i would say the same things to someone else but to understand it you have to go the hard way physically.

The feeling of discovery feels so great after trying so hard.

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