Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Something told for ages ...

karmanye vadhikarasthe ma bhaleshu kathachana

ma karmabhalahethurbhurma the sanghohasthwakarmani

[Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 47]

adhikara: = power, karmanye eva = only for action, ma bhaleshu = not in the fruits, kathachana = not even once, ma bhu: = should not, karmabhalahethu: = for the fruit for action, the = for you, sanga: = attachment akarmani = inaction, ma asthu = should not happen

You have power only for action. Not even once do you have power to decide the fruits of your endeavors, namely success or failure. So your actions or duty should not be performed keeping in mind these factors. Also, for you, attachment to inactivity or indifference should not happen.

So do your best without worrying about the outcome.

This verse does get you thinking a lot ...

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