Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Falling hurts.

Work,work,work.Saturday busted in work - mind screwed.Decide to take a break,go skiing on sunday.Great going so far- am learning parallel skiing.Going down pretty fast -suddenly out of nowhere someone comes from the left,try to take a quick right,can't manage it,ski's lock - both skis are ripped from my boots and i take a plunge -headlong forward ,down on the slope without losing any momentum.My chest hits first and takes the entire brunt,then my head and nose bangs against the snow.All happens in fraction of seconds.I remain motionless,stunned,as if in a trance for few seconds.Life immediately kicks back and I feel a searing pain in my chest and become aware of things around me.I become aware of two other skiers standing beside me and asking whether i am allright.People on the ski lifts above are shouting 'Are you allright'.I stand up and say 'i am all right'.

Now my chest hurts like hell and have a neck ache because of the impact ,i have a slight fever because of the pain.My poor body is working overtime to set right things.I know i will recover but falling hurts!

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