Sunday, March 30, 2008


I love music,all sorts,all genres.I like to try and discover new bands and new kinds of music.I like to call myself a true music lover.For me music is a set of sounds which should sound harmonious first.Now coming to think of it-it is defined in the brain as to what is harmonious .Why is some kind of music liked and some kind not and why do you call some sounds music and some not?All lies in the brain.Why do mostly the younger generation like Metal and the older generation not,its just a matter of getting used to ,older generation is used to a particular kind and fixated upon some idea on music and same holds for the younger generation .Really funny huh?

The study of how sound is percieved by a listener is called music cognition.

Defintion of music cognition from wikipedia -Music cognition is an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the mental processes that support musical behaviors, including perception, comprehension, memory, attention, and performance. Originally arising in fields of psychoacoustics and sensation, cognitive theories of how people understand music more recently encompass neuroscience, music theory, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics.

I just try to go beyond these mental blocks and try to listen and appreciate all sorts of music.It is really difficult all the times ,because the human element of emotion or mood comes through very strongly and dictates what kind of music you listen to many a times e.g:When you are totally tired at the end of the day,you really cannot listen to blaring heavy music(though i am trying to go beyond this limitation too)

Also another reason i experiment is, i find it fascinating to listen to sounds which people call music and like in some country or some era or some generation or some culture.If they are humans like me and can enjoy those sounds so much,i guess even i can!

From an aesthetic sense- Music is a different world altogher.You just transcend to a higher state of being wherein your moods and emotions and thoughts are completely dictated by the sounds.You can just about get into any emotion- get a high, a rush, feel happy,anger,pain,sadness,ecstasy - everything -in this world.

Here is a definition of music in wikipedia

Music is an art form in which the medium is sound. Elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, structure, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

Also music appreciation is completely different from music creation.Music creation involves different dynamics.I will talk about it sometime else.I hope to be involved more rigorously sometime in my life in music creation -right now its mostly restricted to appreciation.

I am just happy god gave us something so beautiful called ears and a brain which can comprehend something called sound and in which we can define a world.Also my deepest respect to anybody and everyone,before and now and in the future involved in the creation of music ,of any sort or kind.


Anupama said...

And I am thankful to god that he gave me an opportunity to meet and know someone like you! You know why? Because not many people are capable of thinking so deeply as you have about music! I, for one, have never thought about pushing myself out my limits of pre-concieved notions of what kind of music I like. And, you whole world view - of saying "if others who are also humans like me can like this set of sounds so much, I guess I can too" is so superbly magnanimous! This is amazing spirit of generosity! I am really proud and feel lucky to have a brother like you! :)

mawhyyouare said...

Thank you dear for your kind comments.You have no idea how much you inspire me in my life!! :)I am proud to be your brother!